Total mileage:
32 days of riding
(yes we skipped Sanderson, Texas to Del Rio, Texas - too much righteous Texas weather)
91.19 miles per day average
14.48 mph average
Grand total raised for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Just over $14,000
Thanks to . . .
Dad and Phyllis for all the support in the form of food, company, ride to Del Rio, Texas, photography, everything; Pete Panagos for the air miles, room and board when we stopped in; Roxane and Jubal for the great GPS phone (everyone loved it); Peter and Max Panagos for meeting us in High Springs, Florida and bailing us out of a tight spot; Barb Desclos for all her help with the Applebee's Pancake fundraiser; Monica and Deb and their contingent of extremely aware and generous friends; Deedra Tackett for checking on us every day and worrying; Emily Ohlin for keeping Porter happy; Mr. and Mrs. Ohlin for sharing the finish with us and taking St. Augustine pictures; Tom Trissel for the gear hook up; Marsha Ware, the best pod mate ever, for the map and hotel confirmation support; Brad Potts for the cards; Cord Amato for the card graphics; Nicholas Freedman and David L'Heureux for the connection; Dave Baker at Gila Bike&Hike, Silver City, NM for the $10 labor spoke replacement/wheel true, and for being open on Sunday; PanCAN for spending the money wisely and helping people out; All you TRUCKERS out there for slowing down and giving us a bit more room - you know who you are; all the convenience store clerks, for letting us use your bathrooms even when we did not buy anything; everyone who donated to the ride - we want to thank all of you personally for your generosity; Jasper the Cat, for not running too far and inspecting our gear every time we set foot in the MoHo; Salomon USA and West Portland Physical Therapy Clinic for their super-generous donations; David Munk for kicking down with budget money as a donation; Carol, Georgia, Grant and Pam for being great neighbors and checking on the homestead in our absence; Hammer Nutrition for keeping us fueled; Best Western for the most kick ass motels out on the high plains, and to both of you out there reading this blog - we thank you.
Thanks Nina and Phylis for watching over us.
We love you
We love you
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